Live with the Awareness of Death

Each of us stands on the edge of death. Whatever needs to be done must be done before death, for after that, only the consequences of your life remain. These are all matters that require deep reflection.

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Reflect on the fact that death can come at any moment. Children die, young people die, the elderly die, the healthy and the sick die—no one can predict who will live and who won't. Death comes for everyone, often without warning. Just as we have no say when an earthquake strikes and no control over it, we similarly have no say when it comes to death. Once death occurs, there is no turning back. It arrives at a point from which there is no return. How strange that is. After death, there is no coming back, and no more opportunities to act. It’s impossible to go there and start doing the deeds you couldn’t do here. That is simply not possible. So after death, there’s no chance to return to this world or to make up for what you didn’t do here. It’s all over. Each of us stands on the edge of death. Whatever needs to be done must be done before death, for after that, only the consequences of your life remain. These are all matters that require deep reflection.

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